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One of the most important things we do at New Life Church is to come together every week and experience the power of God's presence. People from different backgrounds and generations join as one to engage in worship as a family. It is there that we are refreshed and realigned. From the place of corporate worship, we go into our homes, schools, and workplaces as carriers of the joy, hope, and life found in presence of God. 

That's what worship is all about. And that’s why the heartbeat of NewLifeWorship is to help people experience the presence of God and develop a life of worship. Every CD, every resource, every facet of our ministry is designed with that end in mind. So, as you browse this site, keep your heart open. God is near and He wants to engage you in an all-consuming, life-long conversation called worship.

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11025 Voyager Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
(719) 594-6602