Other messages in:

Other messages in:
The Divine Chapters

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The Saints

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Surprised By Joy

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Dinner Groups

Other messages in:
The King's Speech

  1. The King's Speech: An Internalized Righteousness, An External Change
  2. The King's Speech: The Way The World Finds God
  3. The King's Speech: The Beautitudes
  4. The King's Speech: The Kind of King We're Working With

Other messages in:
Q & A

  1. Q&A: Week Two
  2. Q&A: Week One
  3. Q&A Week 2
  4. Q&A Week 1

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Resurrection Stories

  1. Living With The Flaps Up
  2. Resurrection Stories: The God Who Just Keeps Coming
  3. Resurrection Stories: The God of the Resurrection

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Good Friday

  1. Good Friday

Other messages in:
Listen Up

  1. Listen Up: Four Deaths
  2. Listen Up: A Good Name
  3. Listen Up: The Great Communal Project

Other messages in:

  1. Prayer: Giving Your Words To God
  2. Prayer: Ear, Hand, Mouth
  3. Prayer: Jesus is Praying For You

Other messages in:
Advent 2012

  1. Advent Week 1: Believing

Other messages in:
Fall Retreat: Pillars

Other messages in:

  1. Ephesians Week 8: Wrapping It Up
  2. Ephesians Week 7: Imitating God
  3. Ephesians Week 6: Putting Off and Putting On

Other messages in:

  1. Church: Following God on His Terms
  2. Church: A House Where Things Happen

Other messages in:
Between Two Worlds

  1. Between Two Worlds: The Real Easter
  2. Between Two Worlds: Lent and the Adventure of Repentance
  3. Between Two Worlds: Killing the Beast of Envy
  4. Between Two Worlds: A Fast That Pleases God
  5. Between Two Worlds: Learning to Limp

Other messages in:
Let's Eat

  1. The Lord's Table: Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, and the Dinner Table
  2. The Lord's Table: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Other messages in:

  1. Give: The Not-So-Absent Jesus
  2. Give: An Exploration of The Prince of Peace
  3. Give: Cultural Disentanglement
  4. Give

Other messages in:

  1. Go: A Kingdom of Priests
  2. Go: Downward Mobility
  3. Go: The Great Commission: A fast transaction or a slow transformation?
  4. Go: Nero's Dead, King Jesus Reigns!

Other messages in:
People Of God

  1. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Out of the Kiddie Pool
  2. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Community Formation: The Rules of Plate Tectonics
  3. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Grafted to the People of God
  4. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: A Peculiar People

Other messages in:
Hanging In The Balance

  1. Hanging In The Balance: Hospitality Taken Seriously
  2. Hanging In The Balance: Grace-Driven Effort
  3. Hanging In The Balance: Living What We're Saying

Other messages in:
Getting To Know You

  1. Getting To Know You: Part Three
  2. Getting To Know You: Part Two

Other messages in:

  1. Interrupted: The Bigger Story
  2. Interrupted: The Universal Equalizer
  3. Interrupted: Follow Me
  4. Interrupted: New Questions

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Warning Signs

  1. Warning Signs: The Girl With The Little Pink Bunny

Other messages in:
The College Adventure Handbook

  1. The College Adventure Handbook, Part 2
  2. The College Adventure Handbook, Part 1

Other messages in:

  1. Pneuma: Not About You
  2. Pneuma: Weird But True
  3. Pneuma: Yes Please
  4. Pneuma: Mystery With A Purpose
  5. Pneuma: Holy Who?
  6. Pneuma: Better

Other messages in:

  1. Worship: Bring It All
  2. Worship: All Together Now
  3. Worship: Luckbearer
  4. Worship: Less me... More God.

Other messages in:

  1. CoEd

Other messages in:

  1. Reckless: Who will you be?
  2. Reckless: Just As Lost
  3. Reckless: Wake Up

Other messages in:

  1. Filter: Alone or Together
  2. Filter: Me or Jesus?
  3. Filter: Wise or Foolish?
  4. Filter: Lazy or Thoughtful?

Other messages in:

  1. Colossians (11): Personal but Not Private
  2. Colossians (10): Because I Must
  3. Colossians (9): Marked by Christ
  4. Colossians (8): Get Dressed
  5. Colossians (7): Renovate Your Mind
  6. Colossians (6): Don't Chase Shadows
  7. Colossians (5): Nothing More, Nothing Less
  8. Colossians (4): 3 Words That Change Everything
  9. Colossians (3): from, through, to
  10. Colossians (2): God-Shaped Prayers
  11. Colossians (1): Trust The Invisible

Other messages in:
Life Fall Retreat

  1. Life Fall Retreat: Sunday Morning
  2. Life Fall Retreat: Saturday Night
  3. Life Fall Retreat: Saturday Morning
  4. Life Fall Retreat: Friday Night

Other messages in:

  1. STORY: love (2)
  2. STORY: love
  3. STORY: faith (2)
  4. STORY: faith

Other messages in:
The Word Of God

  1. The Word Of God: Jesus
  2. The Word Of God: The Bible

Other messages in:

  1. Ordinary: Missions
  2. Ordinary: God isn't Here...or is He?
  3. Ordinary: Pineapples, Puffs and Mums

Other messages in:
I Am

  1. I Am... Jealous
  2. I Am... Sanctifier
  3. I Am... Peace
  4. I Am... Father
  5. I Am... the I AM

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Other messages in:
The Secret Life of the Christian Twentysomething

Other messages in:
Fall Retreat: Belong

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I Do

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Secondhand Jesus

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Death & All His Friends

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Other messages in:

  1. IN GOD WE TRUST: first or leftovers?
  2. IN GOD WE TRUST: your heart is on the line

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Give: The Not-So-Absent Jesus
Dec 16, 2011
What is Christmas-time truly about? Around us we see the hustle of consumerism, advertisement, and gain, all in the name of gift-giving and cheer. Is this a season to amass things and get what we need for the next year? Or is it possible that we?ve lost the full understanding of what this Advent season is all about? Journey with us this December as we seek to understand the deep-rooted meaning of this season. Let's learn how to be those that are yearning for the Messiah?s appearing while looking for opportunities to care for those in need right in front of us.