Other messages in:
Church in the City

  1. Church in the City: Spiritual Gifts, Part Two
  2. Church in the City: Spiritual Gifts, Part One
  3. Church in the City: Tracing Out and Building Up
  4. Church in the City: Tempted But Winning
  5. Church in the City: Run to Get the Prize
  6. Church in the City: We Belong to One Another
  7. Church in the City: Sex, Marriage, and the Single Life
  8. Church in the City: The Spiritual Mystery of Sex
  9. Church in the City: Sex in the Church, Part One
  10. Church in the City: Descent into Greatness
  11. Church in the City: Planting and Watering
  12. Church in the City: The Mind of Christ
  13. Church in the City: The Cross

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2014)

  1. God of the Underdogs
  2. Christine Caine - Mark 6

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2013)

  1. Unfading Passion
  2. Church in the Wild
  3. Moving from Concern to Compassion
  4. I Changed My Mind About My Attitude
  5. When did it start?
  6. Father's Day
  7. Mother's Day
  8. We get to serve
  9. The Values of our Church Family
  10. Keep On Knocking
  11. Sons and Daughters Part 2
  12. Sons and Daughters
  13. This Is My Story

Other messages in:
Sacred - Christmas

  1. Sacred: What's Love Got To Do With It
  2. Sacred: Surprised by Joy

Other messages in:

  1. Sacred: The Thanksgiving Meal
  2. Sacred: Confession: Climbing out of the Chaos
  3. Salvation History in 5 Movements
  4. Sacred: The Scriptures
  5. Sacred: Water Baptism and Praying for the Sick
  6. Sacred: The Holy Spirit

Other messages in:
These Four Walls

  1. God's Indestructible Plan for Marriage
  2. Honoring Those in Front of Us
  3. Make Disciples of Your Children
  4. Being a Better Friend

Other messages in:

  1. Hear it, Practice it
  2. True or False
  3. The Narrow Way
  4. Refuse To Be Denied
  5. Judging Others
  6. The Great Distraction of Worry
  7. Treasures in Heaven
  8. Our Father
  9. Being Awesome in Obscurity
  10. Killing them With Unexpected Kindness
  11. Say What We Mean and Mean What We Say
  12. The Beauty of Desire
  13. Make It Right
  14. Righteousness From Within
  15. Salt and Light
  16. The Beatitudes
  17. A New Way

Other messages in:

  1. The Road to Emmaus
  2. The Criminal on the Cross
  3. The Demoniac
  4. The Man by the Pool
  5. The Woman at the Well
  6. What's Your Story?

Other messages in:
Good Friday

  1. Good Friday

Other messages in:

  1. Gifted Part 3: Giving, Leadership, Mercy
  2. Gifted Part 2: Serving, Teaching, Encouragement
  3. Gifted Part 1: Prophesy

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2012)

  1. A Praying Church
  2. Two Visits from Gabriel
  3. Our Faithful God
  4. Praying Church
  5. Where on Earth Does God Live?
  6. Breaking the Hurt Legacy
  7. Dream Center Swaziland
  8. A Beautiful Mess
  9. The Best Advice Ever...
  10. David, The Waiting King
  11. The Outcast, The Doubter, and The Failure
  12. Nothing More, Nothing Less
  13. Surprise Gifts in Surprise Packages
  14. Move the Mountain
  15. The Flourishing Life

Other messages in:

  1. The Gospel That Cannot Be Stopped
  2. Acts, Week 28: Chapter 27 - On the Way There
  3. Acts, Week 27: Chapter 25 - God, I Trust You
  4. Acts, Week 26: Chapter 24 - God Sorting Things Out, Setting Things Right
  5. Acts, Week 25: Chapter 23 - What God Says About the Government
  6. Acts, Week 24: Chapter 22 - God's Hand in Our Lives
  7. Acts, Week 23: Chapter 21 - A Life of Radical Obedience
  8. Acts, Week 22: Chapter 20 - A Life Well Spent
  9. Acts, Week 21: Chapter 19 - The Spread of the Gospel and the Power of a Name
  10. Acts, Week 20: Chapter 18 - How Does God Encourage Us?
  11. Acts, Week 19: Chapter 17 - God is not Far Away
  12. Acts, Week 18: Chapter 16 - Who Belongs Here?
  13. Acts, Week 17: Opportunity
  14. Acts, Week 16: Chapter 15 - Gospel Preachers
  15. Acts, Week 15: Chapter 14 - The Fickle Crowd and the Faithful Family
  16. Acts, Week 14: Chapter 13 - That Empty Tomb in Jerusalem
  17. Acts, Week 13: Chapter 12 - Sleeping Saints and the Unstoppable Kingdom
  18. Acts, Week 12: Chapter 11 - Repentance that Leads to Life
  19. Acts, Week 11: Chapter 10 - A Sincere Soldier and His Hungry Household
  20. Acts, Week 10: Chapter 9 - Bright Lights and Risky House Calls
  21. Acts, Week 9: Chapter 8 - Scattered Saints and a Joyful City
  22. Acts, Week 8: Chapter 7 - What is Your Last Sermon?
  23. Acts, Week 7: Chapter 6 - The Spaces a Man Needs
  24. Acts, Week 6: Chapter 5 - We are Witnesses
  25. Acts, Week 5: Chapter 4 - No Other Name
  26. Acts, Week 4: Chapter 3 - Healing at the Gates
  27. Acts, Week 3: Chapter 2 - The Church and the Spirit
  28. Acts, Week 2: Chapter 2 - Becoming a People of the Holy Spirit
  29. Acts, Week 1: Chapter 1 - Orphans, the Kingdom and the Ascended King

Other messages in:
Legends and Misfits

  1. Legends and Misfits, Week 9: Nehemiah
  2. Legends and Misfits, Week 8: Solomon
  3. Legends and Misfits, Week 8: Extravagant Worship and Devious Distractions
  4. Legends and Misfits, Week 7: David the Warrior
  5. Legends and Misfits, Week 6: Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz
  6. Legends and Misfits, Week 5: Joshua and Caleb
  7. Legends and Misfits, Week 4: Moses
  8. Legends and Misfits, Week 3: Peter
  9. Legends and Misfits, Week 2: Joseph
  10. Legends and Misfits, Week 1: Father Abraham

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2011)

  1. God's Story and Two Willing People
  2. Follow Me
  3. Disarming Destructive Anger
  4. The Unexpected Adventure
  5. The Church
  6. People of the Resurrection
  7. Coming In and Going Out
  8. The Blessed Family
  9. Celebration Sunday 2011

Other messages in:
Luke (2011)

  1. Luke, Week 38: Immanuel - God with Us
  2. Luke, Week 37: Angels, Criminals, and the God of Much Grace
  3. Luke, Week 36: Prayer and the Things That Tempt Us
  4. Luke, Week 35: The Generous Widow and the Watching God
  5. Luke, Week 34: Violent Vineyards and Crushing Capstones
  6. Luke, Week 33: The Arrival of the King
  7. Luke, Week 32: The Kingdom is for Kids
  8. Luke, Week 31: Forgiven, Gratefully
  9. Luke, Week 30: Love Has Already Won
  10. Luke, Week 29: Faithful With Our Finances
  11. Luke, Week 28: I Just Want To Come Home
  12. Luke, Week 27: Humility and How We Perfected It
  13. Luke, Week 26: M is for Missions
  14. Luke, Week 25: Healing, Hypocrites and the Kingdom of God
  15. Luke, Week 24: The Changing God Seasons
  16. Luke, Week 23: We Belong to the Future
  17. Luke, Week 22: Teach Us To Pray - Part 2
  18. Luke, Week 21: Teach Us To Pray - Part 1
  19. Luke, Week 20: Like a Good Neighbor
  20. Luke, Week 19: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
  21. Luke, Week 18: A Desperate Dad, A Lunging Lady and A Mocking Mob
  22. Luke, Week 17: Extravagant Worship
  23. Luke, Week 16: Lucky are the God-Dependent
  24. Luke, Week 15: The Law of the Farm
  25. Luke, Week 14: Disappointed in Jesus
  26. Luke, Week 13: The Powerful, the Powerless and the Prophet
  27. Luke, Week 12: The Best Thing Possible for the Worst Person Possible
  28. Luke, Week 11: Sabbath and Solitude
  29. Luke, Week 10: Roof Rippers and Bag Phone Believers
  30. Luke, Week 9: A Life of Radical Obedience
  31. Luke, Week 8: The Anointed One
  32. Luke, Week 7: Same Three Plays
  33. Luke, Week 6: Both Baptisms
  34. Luke, Week 5: Beautiful Repentance

Other messages in:
This is My Story

  1. This is My Story, Week 9: The Fearsome Shepherd and His Fearless Sheep
  2. This is My Story, Week 8: David Perkins
  3. This is My Story, Week 7: Dave Roever
  4. This is My Story, Week 6: Ross Parsley
  5. This is My Story, Week 5: Jim Daly
  6. This is My Story, Week 4: Britt Hancock
  7. This is My Story, Week 3: Jimmy Evans
  8. This is My Story, Week 2: Tom Davis
  9. This is My Story, Week 1: Brady Boyd

Other messages in:
Luke (2010)

  1. Luke, Week 4: The Humility of Jesus
  2. Luke, Week 3: The Grand Invasion
  3. Luke, Week 2: God Has Arrived
  4. Luke, Week 1: People of a Great Purpose

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2010)

  1. Make Every Effort
  2. God's Greatest Desire
  3. A Great Work
  4. Overcoming Comparison
  5. Ordinary Unschooled Men

Other messages in:
1st Peter

  1. 1st Peter, Week 5: Don't Feed the Lions
  2. 1st Peter, Week 4: Pray, Love, Eat
  3. 1st Peter, Week 3: The Church's New Four-letter Word
  4. 1st Peter, Week 2: Freedom From Insecurity
  5. 1st Peter, Week 1: Genuine Faith and Glorious Joy

Other messages in:
Sticks & Stones

  1. Sticks & Stones, Week 5: Guard Your Heart
  2. Sticks & Stones, Week 4: The Poison of Gossip
  3. Sticks & Stones, Week 3: Are You a Spork?
  4. Sticks & Stones, Week 2: Forgiving Each Other
  5. Sticks & Stones, Week 1: People, Peace, and Power

Other messages in:

  1. Ephesians, Week 12: Declare the Gospel Fearlessly
  2. Ephesians, Week 11: The Armor of God
  3. Ephesians, Week 10: Enemy At The Gates
  4. Ephesians, Week 9: Wisdom, Evil Days, and the Will of God
  5. Ephesians, Week 8: Grown Up Christianity
  6. Ephesians, Week 7: The Miracle of Marriage
  7. Ephesians, Week 6: He is Able
  8. Ephesians, Week 5: Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
  9. Ephesians, Week 4: Grace, Gratitude, and Confident Cowgirls
  10. Ephesians, Week 3: From Death to Life
  11. Ephesians, Week 2: To Know Him Better
  12. Ephesians, Week 1: He Chose Us

Other messages in:

  1. Treasure, Week 3: Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Treasure, Week 2: The Tithe and Today
  3. Treasure, Week 1: How Much Stuff is Enough?

Other messages in:
Coming Soon

  1. Coming Soon, Week 4: Worthy is the Lamb
  2. Coming Soon, Week 3: The "Pray and Go" Church
  3. Coming Soon, Week 2: Seeking After the Welfare of Your City
  4. Coming Soon, Week 1: Worship, Connect, Serve

Other messages in:

  1. Supernatural, Week 14: Supernatural Seeds
  2. Supernatural, Week 13: The Baptism With the Holy Spirit
  3. Supernatural, Week 12: Can You Hear Me Now?
  4. Supernatural, Week 11: Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues
  5. Supernatural, Week 10: Distinguishing Between Spirits
  6. Supernatural, Week 9: The Gift of Prophecy
  7. Supernatural, Week 8: Encouragement, Giving, Leadership, Mercy
  8. Supernatural, Week 7: Love, The Most Excellent Way
  9. Supernatural, Week 6: Wisdom and Knowledge
  10. Supernatural, Week 5: Electricity, Lightbulbs, and the Gifts of the Spirit
  11. Supernatural, Week 4: Do Miracles Still Happen?
  12. Supernatural, Week 3: Questions About Faith
  13. Supernatural, Week 2: What Are We Supposed to Do?
  14. Supernatural, Week 1: What Has God Done For Us?

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2009)

  1. Courageous Footprints
  2. Sending Out Service
  3. Absent at Advent
  4. Culture-Proof Your Home
  5. Sleeping Through the Storm
  6. God is Encouraging
  7. Secondhand Jesus: Made For Contact With God
  8. The Resurrection Effect
  9. The Rain is Coming

Other messages in:
What Child is This?

  1. What Child is This, Part 2: Jesus is God
  2. What Child is This, Part 1: Jesus was Fully Human

Other messages in:
We Are____

  1. We Are____, Week 7 - His Friends
  2. We Are____, Week 6 - Branches
  3. We Are____, Week 5 - Overcomers
  4. We Are____, Week 4 - Christ's Ambassadors
  5. We Are____, Week 3 - Clay
  6. We Are____, Week 2 - Worshippers
  7. We Are____, Week 1 - More Than Conquerors

Other messages in:
Tribe of Church

  1. Tribe of Church, Week 3: The Tribe and It's Fireplace
  2. Tribe of Church, Week 2: How Do We Lead and How Do We Follow?
  3. Tribe of Church, Week 1: What is Tribe of Church?

Other messages in:
Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth

  1. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 10: Life-Giving Words
  2. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 9: The Poison of Gossip
  3. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 8: Our Words Are Powerful
  4. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 7: The Principles of Multiplication
  5. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 6: God Must Be First
  6. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 5: Rewards of a Generous Person
  7. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 4: No Need For Greed
  8. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 3: How Do Affairs Happen?
  9. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 2: Trust, Lean, Acknowledge
  10. Proverbs - Our Morals, Our Money, Our Mouth, Week 1: On Guard

Other messages in:
Change the World

  1. Change the World, Week 8: Light Up the World
  2. Change the World, Week 7: You Are the Salt of the Earth
  3. Change the World, Week 6: From the Inside Out
  4. Change the World, Week 5: The Traits of a Servant
  5. Change the World, Week 4: World-Changing Women
  6. Change the World, Week 3: Like a Good Neighbor
  7. Change the World, Week 2: Our Call to Widows and Orphans
  8. Change the World, Week 1: We Are Salt and Light

Other messages in:
Live Free

  1. Live Free, Week 6: Am I a Son?
  2. Live Free, Week 5: Have You Believed a Lie?
  3. Live Free, Week 4: Who Is My Source?
  4. Live Free, Week 3: Who Can Help Me?
  5. Live Free, Week 2: How Did We Get Here?
  6. Live Free, Week 1: Where Do We Begin?

Other messages in:

  1. Pray, Week 7: For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
  2. Pray, Week 6: Persistence
  3. Pray, Week 5: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
  4. Pray, Week 4: Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors
  5. Pray, Week 3: Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
  6. Pray, Week 2: Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done...
  7. Pray, Week 1: Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2008)

  1. Getting an Edge in Life
  2. Good Grief
  3. Christmas: A Season for Healing
  4. The Law of 'Grow or Die'
  5. Standing Open, Ready Now
  6. God Needs You
  7. Do You Want God's Will For Your Life?
  8. Living Among Lions
  9. The Love of a Thousand Lifetimes
  10. The Marks of a Good Father
  11. You Can Be 'The Biggest Loser'
  12. The Needs of a Mother
  13. I Want To Know Christ

Other messages in:
Standing Strong in a Weak Economy

  1. Standing Strong in a Weak Economy, Part 2
  2. Standing Strong in a Weak Economy, Part 1

Other messages in:
Heaven Defined

  1. Heaven Defined, Week 4: Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Heaven Defined, Week 3: The New Heaven and the New Earth
  3. Heaven Defined, Week 2: Heaven is Great Right Now
  4. Heaven Defined, Week 1: Heaven is Paradise

Other messages in:
The Parables of Jesus

  1. the Parables of Jesus, Week 6: The Sower and the Seed
  2. The Parables of Jesus, Week 5: The Rich Fool
  3. The Parables of Jesus, Week 4: The Good Samaritan
  4. The Parables of Jesus, Week 3: The Persistent Widow and the Friend at Midnight
  5. The Parables of Jesus, Week 2: The Older Bother Syndrome
  6. The Parables of Jesus, Week 1: The Prodigal Son

Other messages in:

  1. '23', Week 9: I Will Dwell...
  2. '23', Week 8: Surely Goodness and Love...
  3. '23', Week 7: You Anoint My Head With Oil...
  4. '23', Week 6: You Prepare a Table Before Me...
  5. '23', Week 5: Though I Walk Through the Valley...
  6. '23', Week 4: He Guides Me in Paths of Righteousness...
  7. '23', Week 3: ...He Restores My Soul
  8. '23', Week 2: I Shall Not be in Want
  9. '23', Week 1: The Lord is my Shepherd

Other messages in:

  1. Empowered, Week 6: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  2. Empowered, Week 5: How Does God Speak To Us?
  3. Empowered, Week 4: Filled With the Holy Spirit
  4. Empowered, Week 3: The Holy Spirit Creates Life
  5. Empowered, Week 2: The Cost of Oil
  6. Empowered, Week 1: What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

Other messages in:

  1. Grace, Week 7: What does Grace do for Me
  2. Grace, Week 6: Justice, Mercy, and Grace
  3. Grace, Week 5: Grace vs. Legalism
  4. Grace, Week 4: Grace Really is Amazing
  5. Grace, Week 3: The Purpose For the Law
  6. Grace, Week 2: For Today and Yesterday
  7. Grace, Week 1: Grace Defined

Other messages in:
God First

  1. God First, Week 4: The Principle of First
  2. God First, Week 3: The Test of Mammon
  3. God First, Week 2: Our Opponent's Playbook
  4. God First, Week 1: God Did Everything First

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons (2007)

  1. Some Assembly Required
  2. Mary and Joseph: Ready for Promotion
  3. The Test of Tribulation
  4. A Heart For Christmas
  5. Our Treasure in Heaven
  6. Worship Your Way Through It
  7. How to Kill a Giant
  8. Freedom From Insecurity
  9. The Woman at the Well
  10. I Believe...
  11. The Road Marked With Suffering
  12. Groups - The Keys to Our Culture

Other messages in:
All In the Family

  1. All In the Family, Week 5: The Power of Our Words
  2. All In the Family, Week 4: God's Perfect Plan for Marriage
  3. All In the Family, Week 3: How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
  4. All In the Family, Week 2: The Reward For Being Loyal
  5. All in the Family, Week 1: The Art of Confrontation

Other messages in:

  1. Calibrate, Week 6: God Designed Us To Need People
  2. Calibrate, Week 5: God Designed Us To Be An Influence
  3. Calibrate, Week 4: God Designed Us for Miracles
  4. Calibrate, Week 3: God Designed Us For Joy
  5. Calibrate, Week 2: God Designed Us to Be Free
  6. Calibrate, Week 1: God Designed Us to Need Him

Other messages in:
Resurrection People

  1. Resurrection People - Part 4: Presence
  2. Resurrection People - Communion
  3. Resurrection People - Part 2: Work
  4. Resurrection People - Part 1

Other messages in:
Show and Tell

  1. Show and Tell - Part 3
  2. Show and Tell - Part 2
  3. Show and Tell - Part 1

Other messages in:

  1. Hungry? - Part 3
  2. Hungry? - Part 2
  3. Hungry? - Part 1

David, The Waiting King
Apr 15, 2012
Pastor Jimmy Evans teaches from the life of David about authority and the importance of learning to submit to it, even when it is difficult.