Other messages in:
Sunday Night Prayer Meetings

  1. Dependent
  2. Intimacy before Impact
  3. Poured Out
  4. Lean Forward in Faith
  5. Faithful in Prayer
  6. The Speaking Voice
  7. Digging A Well Of Prayer
  8. Universal Presence
  9. Removing the Veil
  10. The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing
  11. Follow Hard After God
  12. Learning To Recognize God's Voice
  13. Still Small Voice
  14. Hearing God
  15. Practical Steps For Being Alone With Jesus
  16. Alone with Jesus
  17. Around His Throne
  18. Renewed In The Knowledge of God
  19. Why 24-7 Prayer & Worship?
  20. Crazy Faith
  21. 5 Challenges For Effective Fasting
  22. Urgency
  23. Heart of Fasting
  24. Pray and Fast
  25. Pray Like A Child
  26. Praying The Scriptures
  27. Behold Him
  28. History belongs to the Intercessor
  29. Love His Presence
  30. Trusting Prayer
  31. Barren Prayer
  32. Oh, To Love Prayer
  33. Praying Church
  34. Spiritual Battle
  35. Prayer is for Everyone
  36. Culture of Worship

Other messages in:
Other Recent Sermons

  1. Living like Jesus is the Risen King
  2. Fasting
  3. Family Table
  4. Psalm 2
  5. Three Steps in Either Direction
  6. An Unlikely Prayer Partner
  7. Waiting on Jesus
  8. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
  9. Becoming The People of God
  10. Easter Baptism Service
  11. Remember Jesus Christ
  12. Celebration Sunday - Three Words
  13. The Arrival
  14. Under New Management - Why We Work To End Injustice
  15. Eternity In Their Hearts - Part 2
  16. Eternity In Their Hearts - Part 1
  17. Sending Out Service - Sunday Night
  18. Absent at Advent
  19. 12 Secrets of Contentment
  20. Night of Desperation
  21. Making Sense of Suffering
  22. Growing Into Ourselves
  23. The Jesus Tribe

Other messages in:
Family Meetings

  1. New Life Family Meeting
  2. New Life Family Meeting
  3. New Life Family Meeting
  4. New Life Family Meeting
  5. New Life Family Meeting
  6. New Life Family Meeting
  7. New Life Family Meeting

Other messages in:
Forgiveness Revisited

  1. Forgiveness Revisited: Part II - Jurisdiction
  2. Forgiveness Revisited: Part I - The Forgiveness Problem

Other messages in:
Sent Out

  1. Sent Out: All We Need Is Love?
  2. Sent Out: Not Only the Gospel
  3. Sent Out: With My Own Two Hands
  4. Sent Out: Rough Around the Edges

Other messages in:
Demystifying Faith

  1. Staying Amazed
  2. The Key to Kingdom Come
  3. Your Own Worst Enemy
  4. Relax - The Foundation of Faith
  5. To Seek or Not to Seek?
  6. Fruit: How the Kingdom Works

Other messages in:
The Holy Spirit

  1. The Holy Spirit - Part 6: The Abiding Presence
  2. The Holy Spirit - Part 5: The Pipeline
  3. The Holy Spirit - Part 1: Ready, Set, Stay...

Other messages in:
The Kingdom of God

  1. A Different Kind of Kingdom
  2. Playing to Win
  3. At What Cost
  4. The Gospel Jesus Preached

Renewed In The Knowledge of God
David Perkins
Mar 17, 2013
How do we find strength and renew our hearts?