Other messages in:

Other messages in:
The Divine Chapters

Other messages in:
The Saints

Other messages in:
Surprised By Joy

Other messages in:
Dinner Groups

Other messages in:
The King's Speech

  1. The King's Speech: An Internalized Righteousness, An External Change
  2. The King's Speech: The Way The World Finds God
  3. The King's Speech: The Beautitudes
  4. The King's Speech: The Kind of King We're Working With

Other messages in:
Q & A

  1. Q&A: Week Two
  2. Q&A: Week One
  3. Q&A Week 2
  4. Q&A Week 1

Other messages in:
Resurrection Stories

  1. Living With The Flaps Up
  2. Resurrection Stories: The God Who Just Keeps Coming
  3. Resurrection Stories: The God of the Resurrection

Other messages in:
Good Friday

  1. Good Friday

Other messages in:
Listen Up

  1. Listen Up: Four Deaths
  2. Listen Up: A Good Name
  3. Listen Up: The Great Communal Project

Other messages in:

  1. Prayer: Giving Your Words To God
  2. Prayer: Ear, Hand, Mouth
  3. Prayer: Jesus is Praying For You

Other messages in:
Advent 2012

  1. Advent Week 1: Believing

Other messages in:
Fall Retreat: Pillars

Other messages in:

  1. Ephesians Week 8: Wrapping It Up
  2. Ephesians Week 7: Imitating God
  3. Ephesians Week 6: Putting Off and Putting On

Other messages in:

  1. Church: Following God on His Terms
  2. Church: A House Where Things Happen

Other messages in:
Between Two Worlds

  1. Between Two Worlds: The Real Easter
  2. Between Two Worlds: Lent and the Adventure of Repentance
  3. Between Two Worlds: Killing the Beast of Envy
  4. Between Two Worlds: A Fast That Pleases God
  5. Between Two Worlds: Learning to Limp

Other messages in:
Let's Eat

  1. The Lord's Table: Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, and the Dinner Table
  2. The Lord's Table: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Other messages in:

  1. Give: The Not-So-Absent Jesus
  2. Give: An Exploration of The Prince of Peace
  3. Give: Cultural Disentanglement
  4. Give

Other messages in:

  1. Go: A Kingdom of Priests
  2. Go: Downward Mobility
  3. Go: The Great Commission: A fast transaction or a slow transformation?
  4. Go: Nero's Dead, King Jesus Reigns!

Other messages in:
People Of God

  1. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Out of the Kiddie Pool
  2. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Community Formation: The Rules of Plate Tectonics
  3. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: Grafted to the People of God
  4. theMILL Fall Retreat: People Of God: A Peculiar People

Other messages in:
Hanging In The Balance

  1. Hanging In The Balance: Hospitality Taken Seriously
  2. Hanging In The Balance: Grace-Driven Effort
  3. Hanging In The Balance: Living What We're Saying

Other messages in:
Getting To Know You

  1. Getting To Know You: Part Three
  2. Getting To Know You: Part Two

Other messages in:

  1. Interrupted: The Bigger Story
  2. Interrupted: The Universal Equalizer
  3. Interrupted: Follow Me
  4. Interrupted: New Questions

Other messages in:
Warning Signs

  1. Warning Signs: The Girl With The Little Pink Bunny

Other messages in:
The College Adventure Handbook

  1. The College Adventure Handbook, Part 2
  2. The College Adventure Handbook, Part 1

Other messages in:

  1. Pneuma: Not About You
  2. Pneuma: Weird But True
  3. Pneuma: Yes Please
  4. Pneuma: Mystery With A Purpose
  5. Pneuma: Holy Who?
  6. Pneuma: Better

Other messages in:

  1. Worship: Bring It All
  2. Worship: All Together Now
  3. Worship: Luckbearer
  4. Worship: Less me... More God.

Other messages in:

  1. CoEd

Other messages in:

  1. Reckless: Who will you be?
  2. Reckless: Just As Lost
  3. Reckless: Wake Up

Other messages in:

  1. Filter: Alone or Together
  2. Filter: Me or Jesus?
  3. Filter: Wise or Foolish?
  4. Filter: Lazy or Thoughtful?

Other messages in:

  1. Colossians (11): Personal but Not Private
  2. Colossians (10): Because I Must
  3. Colossians (9): Marked by Christ
  4. Colossians (8): Get Dressed
  5. Colossians (7): Renovate Your Mind
  6. Colossians (6): Don't Chase Shadows
  7. Colossians (5): Nothing More, Nothing Less
  8. Colossians (4): 3 Words That Change Everything
  9. Colossians (3): from, through, to
  10. Colossians (2): God-Shaped Prayers
  11. Colossians (1): Trust The Invisible

Other messages in:
Life Fall Retreat

  1. Life Fall Retreat: Sunday Morning
  2. Life Fall Retreat: Saturday Night
  3. Life Fall Retreat: Saturday Morning
  4. Life Fall Retreat: Friday Night

Other messages in:

  1. STORY: love (2)
  2. STORY: love
  3. STORY: faith (2)
  4. STORY: faith

Other messages in:
The Word Of God

  1. The Word Of God: Jesus
  2. The Word Of God: The Bible

Other messages in:

  1. Ordinary: Missions
  2. Ordinary: God isn't Here...or is He?
  3. Ordinary: Pineapples, Puffs and Mums

Other messages in:
I Am

  1. I Am... Jealous
  2. I Am... Sanctifier
  3. I Am... Peace
  4. I Am... Father
  5. I Am... the I AM

Other messages in:

Other messages in:
The Secret Life of the Christian Twentysomething

Other messages in:
Fall Retreat: Belong

Other messages in:
I Do

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Other messages in:
Secondhand Jesus

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Other messages in:

Other messages in:

Other messages in:
Death & All His Friends

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Other messages in:

Other messages in:

Other messages in:

Other messages in:

Other messages in:

Other messages in:

  1. IN GOD WE TRUST: first or leftovers?
  2. IN GOD WE TRUST: your heart is on the line

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The Word Of God: Jesus
Jul 9, 2010
Throughout all of history, both Jesus and the Bible have been referred to as the Word of God. How can this be -- one being the Son of God taking on the form of man, whereas the other is historical record of the apostles & poetry passed down from prophets? Join us along with theMILL's Dr. Joe as he teaches about the nature & the authority that rests both within Jesus & within the Bible.