Each week thousands of New Lifers gather with one another to worship together, pray together, and live life in community with each other. During our main services we gather as a congregation to unite as a family in worship of our God. There are services for all ages, schedules, and locations available, read more about them here.
Read our FAQ's to find answers to frequently asked questions.
Are you looking for a place to belong and would like to gather more information about New Life Church or discover how you can begin your journey here? We would like to invite you to join us for New Life Next.
We are so excited that you're considering visiting us at New Life Church. From the moment you walk through our doors, we want you to feel at home here.
Would you like to find out more about our church leaders? Click here to get to know some of our executive staff and pastors.
Find out more about churches affiliated with New Life, including our church plants in Denver, downtown Colorado Springs, Austin, TX, and Fort Collins as well as our foreign language services.
Would you like to get some of our sermons on CD and other New Life Resources? Click here to find out how.
Wondering what we believe about scripture, atonement, salvation? Find out here...