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The Men's Ministry at New Life Church is committed to developing disciples who love the Lord and who are willing and prepared to advance His kingdom on earth.


Our ministry has three objectives for men …

  • Deepen the relationship between men and God,
  • Develop the relationship between men and other men,
  • Disciple men for a life of service.

New Life Church Men’s Ministry has six major components …

  • Teaching of the Word
  • Worship and Prayer
  • Discipleship and fellowship
  • Small group interaction
  • Large venues with renowned speakers
  • Service projects

If you desire to grow in the Lord or if you want to get connected with other men or if you are prepared to serve in any capacity, please stop by the Men’s Ministry office in Room 111, email us at or call us at 719-268-8264.


Thanks and many blessings,


Colen Willis

Pastor, Men's Ministry




Men's Prayer:  Join the men of New Life Church on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am in the World Prayer Center for worship, prayer and fellowship.



Men's Discipleship:  Walk in fellowship with other men as we study the Word and grow in faith. Men's Discipleship meets Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Student Chapel (Room 110). 



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11025 Voyager Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
(719) 594-6602